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Longer, Thicker & Darker Lashes in 16 weeks. 

With regular applications along the lash line of the upper eyelid, Latisse gradually encourages growth of longer, thicker and darker eyelashes. Latisse isn’t meant to be applied to the lower eyelid. For full results, you must use the medication daily for at least two months. Eyelash improvements remain as long as you continue to use the medication. When you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will eventually return to their original appearance.


Study participants experienced the following results after 16 weeks:

Book Today!

How does it work?

Latisse is a prescription eye solution that helps eyelashes grow thicker and fuller. The serum is applied to the base of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid using a special applicator. It is not applied to the lower eyelid or the eye itself.

Latisse 3 ml


Latisse 5 ml


Frequently Asked Questions

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For the majority of my patients, LATISSE® has worked well to grow their lashes, which mirrors what we saw in the LATISSE® clinical study. The lashes grow gradually over time with some people beginning to see longer lashes in about four weeks, with full growth at 16 weeks.

How does Latisse Work

We do not know exactly how LATISSE® works; however, we believe it does so by increasing the growth cycle (anagen) phase of your eyelash hair cycle. Anagen is the growth phase of all hair. We believe that it increases the length of the anagen phase and the number of hairs in this growth phase..

How was Latisse Solution discovered?

 It’s a story of how one great product led to another. In 2001, Allergan developed another product, a medicated eye drop used to treat elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Many patients using this medication also began to grow longer, fuller and darker lashes as a side effect. This led Allergan to study the medication’s active ingredient, bimatoprost, specifically for growing lashes. After a clinical trial to study the safety and effectiveness for lash growth, LATISSE® was approved by the FDA in December of 2008.

How do I use Latisse?

LATISSE® is a treatment you apply yourself each evening to the base of the upper eyelashes. Each LATISSE® kit contains detailed instructions for proper application. You can also watch a video demonstration in the How-to-Apply section of this website.

I tell my patients to remove any makeup, clean the upper eyelids and remove their contact lenses, if applicable. Contact lenses can be placed back in the eye after 15 minutes following the application of LATISSE®. Then, using the single-use applicator brush provided in the package, one drop of LATISSE® is placed on the applicator brush and applied to the base of the upper eyelid lash margin (DO NOT APPLY in your eye or the lower lash line as excess hair growth outside the treatment area may occur). The same process is repeated using a fresh applicator brush to avoid cross contamination. Be careful not to allow the tip of the bottle or applicator to contact surrounding structures, fingers or any other unintended surface in order to avoid contamination by common bacteria known to cause infections. After applying, any excess fluid should be blotted off with a tissue. For best results, LATISSE® needs to be used once a day for 16 weeks. Using LATISSE® more than once a day will not grow your lashes faster or improve the effectiveness of the product.

How soon will I see results?

 I tell my patients that they need to be patient when using LATISSE® as the growth is gradual over time. Some may start to notice longer lashes after about a month and many should experience full results in approximately four months. This is similar to the clinical trial results, but individual results may vary. Just like it takes some time for LATISSE® to work, if use of LATISSE® is discontinued, eyelashes will return to their previous appearance over the course of several weeks to months.

Do I really have to use Latisse daily

Yes, LATISSE® should be applied daily to the base of the upper eyelashes. To achieve the full effect of longer, fuller and darker lashes, you should use the product daily for 16 weeks.

What happens if I stop using Latisse?

Just like it takes some time for LATISSE® to work to grow lashes, if you stop using the product, your eyelashes will gradually return to their previous appearance over the course of several weeks to months.