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Acne Treatment

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Don’t let acne get in your way

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases, and as such, about 80% of individuals aged 11-30 have experienced some form of acne outburst in their lifetime. There are many reasons for acne, including hormonal changes, stress and hygiene. Mild to moderate inflammatory acne is very common. Unfortunately, in some cases the acne doesn’t heal properly, resulting in acne scars. SharpLight’s treatment uses a dual technology platform to treat acne and acne scars. Its Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) technology optimally treats inflammatory acne while the Fractional Laser technology treats acne scars. Depending on the exact condition of your acne, your aesthetic practitioner will customize a treatment that best suits your needs

Quick Results Within 2 Short Pain-Free Sessions!

With most treatments taking as little as 15 minutes, you can easily schedule around your busy day. Our online bookings let you quickly set up an appointment, wherever you are!

Book Today!

Before Treatment
After 8 Treatments
Before Treatment
After 4 Treatments

How does it work?

Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) technology: DPC technology uses three effective, safe and reliable clinical mechanisms to diminish mild and moderate inflammatory acne. The visible blue light destroys the bacteria. Then the yellow light coagulates the feeding blood vessels, while the infrared light dries up the lesions. Fractional Laser: The Fractional Laser ablates micro-columns in the skin which are separated by healthy skin. The healthy skin helps speed up the healing process by migrating new collagen and elastin into the treatment area. As a result, the skin is structurally changed, and acne scar tissue is eliminated or dramatically reduced.

Payment plans available, contact us for details!

Full Face & Neck

1 session … $85

3 sessions … $230

6 sessions … $435


1 session … $130

3 sessions … $350

6 sessions … $665


1 session … $130

3 sessions … $350

6 sessions … $665


1 session … $130

3 sessions … $350

6 sessions … $665

Frequently Asked Questions

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During the DPC treatment, you might feel a momentary heating sensation, but no pain. With the Fractional Laser, slight tingling might be felt when the beam is emitted, yet the treatment is extremely tolerable with minimal downtime

How many treatments are required?

For mild to moderate acne, a typical regimen is 8-12 short treatment sessions over a period of one month to reduce papules and pustules by 70%. For post acne scars, approximately 3 treatments are required.

What are the advantages of SharpLight’s treatment?

Patients treated with DPC technology experience zero side effects, rapid diminishing of acne and reduced psychological stress. The treatment also reduces the likelihood of acne lesions that leave permanent scars. The advantage of the Fractional technology is that it delivers impressive scar reducing results. The Fractional laser is signficantly gentler than standard lasers with zero to minimal downtime.

Book now!